aside Fall Out From Recent Revelations Over Jeff Sessions having Meetings With Russian Ambassador

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U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan

On an 3/2/17 MSNBC TV show, the Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow announced that US House democrats plan again to push hard for access to our republican President Donald Trump’s IRS tax returns.

She indicated that with recent news, the obtaining of his tax documents is an essential step towards unraveling the puzzle of why the president has been so openly favorable towards Russia, breaking with past U.S. Russian policies going back, decades; associates having meetings with Russian officials followed by firm denials until there is definitive proof, showing otherwise; and the ample credible reporting that the president has indeed had business dealings associated with Russia.Image result for photos of nancy pelosi and chuck schumer

Democrat leaders, Congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer are now openly demanding the resignation of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The California Representative Nancy Pelosi took time during her announcement about Mr. Sessions, to mention that US House republicans are currently in the basement reviewing an Obama-care replacement plan without it having been scored by the CBO, the Congressional Budget Office.

Image result for photos of rep chaffetz and house majority leader mccarthy

Those close to the president keep getting exposed with playing footsie games with Russians. And Jeff Sessions was with President Trump from the start. This is like a contagious disease.

Now you have top republicans U.S. Congressman Chaffetz, and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy both going on the record saying that he has to recuse himself from any investigations regarding the president, and his associates with any ties to Russia.

According to the 3/2/17 Washington Post, “Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said in a statement, “Jeff Sessions is a former colleague and a friend, but I think it would be best for him and for the country to recuse himself from the DOJ Russia probe.”

The plot thickens…

This fall out is based on recent revelations that the former Senator Jeff Sessions had conducted at discussions with the same U.S. Russian Ambassador that the former National Security Adviser, General Flynn was forced to resign over; and Mr. Sessions never disclosed this information prior to his becoming the new U.S. attorney general.

Image result for photos of rep chaffetz and house majority leader mccarthy

This news about the U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions follows on the heels of the president’s national security advisor having to recently resign over similar circumstances.

As of this morning, the attorney general is stating for the record that he has not lied about his previous contacts with Russian officials and that he will recuse himself, only if necessary.

After 4 o’clock eastern time, the Attorney General Jeff Sessions did publicly state that he would recuse himself from having a role in investigations having to do with the president, his associates with pre-election connections to Russia.

Image result for photos of carter page and rick dearborn
Carter Page

Here are tidbits that many folks may not know:

One of the first advisors who signed onto the present’s campaign train with ties to Russia is Carter Page, whose last publicly known location was in Moscow in December.

(The following is a rumor which I haven’t been able to confirm elsewhere.) But it may have been none other than former Senator Jeff Sessions who advised Donald Trump to hire Carter Page. POLITICO reported, “The Page connection may have been Rick Dearborn, Sessions’ chief of staff, who hired Page because Dearborn knew nothing about foreign policy but needed to put together a foreign policy staff for Trump’s Alexandria, Virginia, policy shop and he happened to know Page.”sessions-jeff

Incidentally, Rick Dearborn is now the president’s Deputy White House Chief of Staff.

Carter Page’s name keeps popping up as an early advisor to the president with ties to Russia but his background doesn’t seem to add up to much until it became known that he was part of the president’s campaign team.

This is what the Politico report states,”Page made his way into the financial sector as it ballooned in the early part of the past decade, securing a spot at Merrill Lynch’s London and Moscow offices. Today, he claims he was cozy with Gazprom executives; his former colleagues laugh at the suggestion. “No one let him into Gazprom, Aleksashenko says. “He didn’t go shake (Gazprom chief Alexey) Miller’s hand. He made sure there were cars, hotels and meetings for investors in London.” Another of Page’s colleagues from Merrill Lynch confirmed that Page’s role was simply arranging meetings between Gazprom and Western investors, something normally done by analysts, the lowest rank on the totem pole.

Related image“People organize meetings with Gazprom all the time,” the former colleague said. “He hosted these guys in New York City but they would have done this 10 times a year… I used to do this; it doesn’t require all that much skill. You just send out an email to 20 people saying Gazprom agreed to dinner at this place at 8 p.m., do you want to come? The main thing is just getting those two (Gazprom) guys to agree. But because they agreed doesn’t mean they’re close to him.”

According to CNN’s reporter Evan Perez, the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak is considered by the Intelligence Community to be Russia’s number one spy and recruiter on U.S. soil. sergey kislyak

A per a 3/2/17 post, “The Russian ambassador to the United States whose communications with top leaders have provoked repeated controversy is an experienced diplomat accused of being a top spy recruiter for Moscow.”

“The experience of Sergey Kislyak spans decades, going back to the old Soviet Union. He first emerged as a player for the Soviets in the U.S. during the Mikhail Gorbachev era, where he was known for his expertise on arms control, reported CNN.

Here’s the 3/2/17 Moscow Sputnik headlines, “US intelligence bodies consider that Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak could be a spy, due to his alleged association with Russian secret services,” followed by this statement, “According to the CNN broadcaster, citing US government officials, US intelligence considered Kislyak to be a “top spy” and “spy-recruiter.”

This blog was updated 3/2/17.


  1. Gronda, I commented in your follow-up piece with the need to subpoena DT’s tax returns. There is something therein, which is why the reluctance.

    I watched Page on the PBS Newshour basically lie that he has had no contact. Later reports said he did. Call me crazy, but there is a lot of lying going on and a lot of attacking the media. This onion is getting more rotten as layers are peeled back. Keith

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Keith,

    There does appear to be a pattern. First DT’s surrogates lie up front about any contacts with Russian officials. Then they get caught with definitive proof that they are lying. Then everyone shakes their heads, because in at least two cases, there may have been legit reasons for the contacts. But then we are left wondering why resort to deception unless there is something to hide? And then they wonder why the rest of the world is suspicious.

    Ciao, Gronda..


    • Gronda, I watched Carter Page deny meetings in an interview on PBS Newshour. His manner of incredulity was indicting and we came away withd the sense he is lying. Now Trump is throwing stuff against a wall to see what sticks. I loved Schumer’s response to his tweet on the picture with Putin. Keith

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Keith,

    The NY senator was not hiding anything because everything was out in the open. DT and his cohorts are opening themselves up to suspicion because they are covering up stuff, that should be standard normal activity. This begs the question, why would someone lie if what he/ she is doing is a standard part of his/ her job?

    Ciao, Gronda


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