aside USA Is A Proud Nation Of Peoples From Sh_thole Countries

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For the record, my Mom was a native Italian who met my Dad after WWII ended while she had been working as a translator at the Allied Force Headquarters which was located, at the King’s Royal Palace in Caserta, Italy. As per Wikipedia, from October 1943 the royal palace served as the Allied Force Headquarters in the Mediterranean area. Eventually, she became an American citizen who was very proud of this country. She frequently voiced her admiration with the words that this was the one place in the world where people could come to these shores with nothing and make something great of of their lives.

In case someone thinks Italy is not a shxthole country as defined by our President Donald Trump, at the time when she relocated to the USA, she experienced the stings of prejudice which she never forgot.

In short, most of us are descended from peoples, who were from countries which some considered at a time in the past, or today to be shxtholes.

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Here’s the rest of the story…

On January 12, 2018, Bret Stephens of the New York Times penned the following report, “Proud to Live in a Nation of Holers.”


“As tourist destinations go, the Republic of Moldova — tucked between Ukraine and Romania — probably isn’t on anyone’s bucket list. It’s the poorest country in Europe, with per capita G.D.P. barely exceeding Sudan’s. Sex trafficking and organized crime are rampant. My memories of the place, from a visit 17 years ago, include roads that vanished into deep snow, Transnistrian border guards in Soviet uniforms, and an impoverished Holocaust survivor’s tale of a bleak life under Romanian, German and Soviet tyrants.”

“Let’s not mince words: Moldova is a hole.”

photo: Bettman/ Curtis

“I mention Moldova because it’s where my paternal grandfather was born in 1901. An anti-Semitic rampage in his hometown, Kishinev, soon forced his family to leave for New York, where my great-grandfather labored as a carpenter in the Brooklyn Navy Yard for eight dollars a week. Low skills, low wages, minimal English, lots of children and probably not the best hygiene — that’s half of my pedigree. The other half consisted of refugees.”

“I’m not alone. America is a nation of holers. It is an improbable yet wildly successful experiment in the transformation — by means of hope, opportunity and ambition — of holers into doers, makers, thinkers and givers. Are you of Irish descent? Italian? Polish? Scottish? Chinese? Chances are, your ancestors did not get on a boat because life in the old country was placid and prosperous and grandpa owned a bank. With few exceptions, Americans are the dregs of the wine, the chaff of the wheat. If you don’t know this by now, it makes you the wax in the ear.”

“Donald Trump is the wax in the ear.”

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“Some of the fury — and most of the apologetics — surrounding the president’s alleged remark about “all these people from shithole countries” concerns the nature of the countries themselves. Liberals can be squeamish about calling poor countries bad names, while conservatives such as Mark Steyn chortle that “nobody voluntarily moves to Haiti.” Which, let’s be real, is basically right.”

“Yet that’s beside the point. We are not talking about Haiti, El Salvador, Nigeria or any other country on the president’s insult list. What counts are the people from these countries, both those who are already in the United States as well as those who wish to come. Why should the president think they are any less fit to become Americans than the Norwegians he seems to fancy?”


“The obvious answer is racism, the same “textbook” case that Paul Ryan spoke of in June 2016 after Trump called a federal judge’s fitness into question on account of his ethnic heritage.” 

“What about the argument that people from poor countries bring their national baggage with them — the dysfunctions and prejudices that help account for their troubles back home?”

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“But immigrants are more likely to be fleeing those dysfunctions and prejudices than they are to be bringing them — just ask Dorsa Derakhshani, the international chess master from Iran who came to the United States last year because, as she wrote in an op-ed for The Times, the mullahs “cared more about the scarf covering my hair than the brain under it.” Vietnamese boat people did not bring fratricidal hatreds with them to America. Soviet refuseniks did not bring a Soviet work ethic.”

“This should go without saying, except that the age of Trump is also the age in which restatements of the obvious have become necessary for civilization. Also obvious is that immigrants don’t steal jobs. They fill jobs Americans won’t do or create those that haven’t been invented. They don’t bring crime to cities. They drive out crime by starting businesses and families in shrinking cities or underserved neighborhoods. They don’t undermine American culture. They feedenrich and reinvent it, not least through their educational ambitions for themselves and their children”.


“This is true of most immigrants, but perhaps more so of the so-called “holers.” As Michelle Mittelstadt of the Migration Policy Institute notes, sub-Saharan Africans have “among the highest college-completion rates of any immigrant group.” As for Haitians, MPI found they had a higher labor participation rate than the overall work force, and had median household incomes of $47,200 — lower than the overall U.S. median, but robust by any developed nation standard.”

“How can this be? It shouldn’t be a mystery. Immigrants self-select. They have a broader perspective. They know their luck. They want it more. The miraculous in America is mostly invisible to those who’ve known nothing else. To really see it clearly, you must first rise up from a hole.”

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“Donald Trump has not, to say the least, risen from a hole. But he is sinking into one. It may be that it won’t damage him politically — Republican Party leaders, increasingly unshameable, will mumble mild disapproval until the news cycle turns — but it does damage the country. We have a president even more ignorant of America than he is of the rest of the world.”

“Maybe there really is something wrong with the president’s head. Modify with any four letters you wish. “

Related Articles:

Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List – The NY Times …1/15/18

Details on the List of Trump’s Racist Statements – The NYT../1/15/18

These ‘Shithole Countries’ Have a Message for Donald Trump | Time/ 1/12/18

Mike's Blog Round Up


  1. One of the ironies I have encountered on WP is coming across folk who were at the time loyal to Trump (based on a work ethic motive) and who are originally from such nations….He’s bound to disappoint the honest folk in his voting base.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Roger,

      That fracture has already started. There is an American, originally from El Salvador who has been a major donor to the republican party but he has turned his back on them. There is a republican rising star with parents from Haiti, who has had a few not so blessed words to say about this president. His base will be decreasing in size.

      The president and his sycophant republicans can go down on the Titanic of their own making, together.

      Hugs, Gronda

      Liked by 1 person

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