aside President Trump Reneges On Endorsing The G7 Summit Final Statement

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The republican President Donald J. Trump couldn’t stand having been reasonable in his original endorsement of the 2018 G7 summit countries’ leaders having agreed on a final statement. After he left this conference on his way to Singapore to prepare for the June 12 meeting with N Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-Un, he reneged by tweet on his commitment to join in the signing of the G7 leaders’ consensus statement.

He made sure to blame the host of the 2018 G7 summit, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his attitude adjustment because the prime minister dared to announce the start of retaliatory tariffs in response to President Trump’s imposition of tariffs on aluminum and steel tariffs on our neighbors Canada and Mexico and our allies.

Soon after President Trump’s petulant tweet, Prime Minister Trudeau’s office released a press statement saying “the prime minister said nothing he hasn’t said before — both in public and in private conversations with the president.” 

So, now we know that President Trump lied again about the reason for his ungracious rebuff. He just didn’t have the guts to take this stance while he was present with of leaders of Canada, Japan, Italy, UK, France, and Germany.

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His negotiating skills involves the “art of bullying.” He expects to be able to arbitrarily impose tariffs on our neighbors and allies on the basis of US national security interests without them acting in kind.”

President Trump began his reality TV show right at the start of the G7 summit as he proclaimed his support for re-adding Russia onto the G7 group. (Russia was removed from the G8 after it invaded and annexed Crimea, in 2014.)

It is my belief that President Trump is fulfilling Russia’s goal to drive a wedge between the USA and our European allies.

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Here is the rest of the story…

On June 9, 2018, AP via CBS News published the following report, Trump retracts his endorsement of G7 final statement

President Trump retracted his endorsement of the final statement from the G7, tweeting afterward he had instructed representatives “not to endorse” it. He blamed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement afterward that Canada will not be “pushed around” and will go through with retaliatory tariffs.

Donald J. Trump


Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!

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Trudeau, who has been sparring with Mr. Trump on trade in recent days, announced at the conclusion of the G-7 summit in Canada that the retaliatory tariffs will go into effect July 1. Trudeau said he told Mr. Trump “it would be with regret but it would be with absolute clarity and firmness that we move forward with retaliatory measures on July 1, applying equivalent tariffs to the ones that the Americans have unjustly applied to us.”

“Canadians, we’re polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around,” Trudeau said.

Mr. Trump responded directly to this statement in a tweet Saturday evening, writing that Trudeau “acted so meek and mild” and then held the press conference afterward criticizing the U.S.

Donald J. Trump


PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!

According to Reuters, Trudeau’s office released a statement after Mr. Trump’s tweets saying “the prime minister said nothing he hasn’t said before — both in public and in private conversations with the president.” 
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Mr. Trump, who arrived at the summit late, left early Saturday, departing for Singapore for his summit with North Korean leader KimJong Un. Mr. Trump declared tariffs were the most important topic at the G7 summit, blasting ally nations for what he sees as them taking advantage of the U.S. He said other nations have been treating the U.S. like the “piggy back that everybody’s robbing.” Mr. Trump also warned that retaliating against the U.S. tariffs would be a “mistake,” suggesting that the U.S. might just not deal with countries who fail to treat the U.S. at his standards.

Trudeau on Saturday said the U.S., Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan figured out “consensus language” they could all agree to. Trudeau says what the leaders did this weekend was “roll up our sleeves” and figure out language they could agree to on a broad range of issues.


“On his way to Singapore Saturday, Mr. Trump tweeted that he thinks fair and reciprocal trade will happen.”

Donald J. Trump


Just left the @G7 Summit in beautiful Canada. Great meetings and relationships with the six Country Leaders especially since they know I cannot allow them to apply large Tariffs and strong barriers to…

Donald J. Trump


Just left the @G7 Summit in beautiful Canada. Great meetings and relationships with the six Country Leaders especially since they know I cannot allow them to apply large Tariffs and strong barriers to…

Donald J. Trump


…U.S.A. Trade. They fully understand where I am coming from. After many decades, fair and reciprocal Trade will happen!

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“The United States will not allow other countries to impose massive Tariffs and Trade Barriers on its farmers, workers and companies,” Mr. Trump continued. “While sending their product into our country tax free. We have put up with Trade Abuse for many decades — and that is long enough.”

Donald J. Trump


The United States will not allow other countries to impose massive Tariffs and Trade Barriers on its farmers, workers and companies. While sending their product into our country tax free. We have put up with Trade Abuse for many decades — and that is long enough.



  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    ‘The Great Deal Maker … another embarrassing performance on the world stage!! Shameful …
    ‘We know that Drumpf lied again about the reason for his ungracious rebuff. He just didn’t have the guts to take this stance while he was present with of leaders of Canada, Japan, Italy, UK, France, and Germany.’
    … the retaliatory tariffs will go into effect July 1. Trudeau said he told Mr. Drumpf “it would be with regret but it would be with absolute clarity and firmness that we move forward with retaliatory measures on July 1, applying equivalent tariffs to the ones that the Americans have unjustly applied to us.”
    Tired of winning yet, America?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Horty,

      The president trumped up the complaint against the Canadian PM Justin Trudeau. He had planned to act like this from the start but he didn’t have the guts to renege on signing the 2018 G7 summit report until after he left the premises. Nothing that PM Trudeau had said as he closed out the summit warranted this insane response by President Trump.

      The president just despises this man who is just a bit taller, much more fit looking, and handsome. You know that this winning combination would drive our president crazy with envy.

      Thanks a million times over for all of your support and for this reblog.

      Hugs, Gronda

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gronda, relationships are hard work. They require give and take. When someone views relationships in a transactional way, they tend to fail. The President of the United States is not very good at relationships.

    The more dictatorial leaders know how to wind up Trump and use him to their advantage. If you play to his ego and suck up to him, they can get him to agree to pretty much anything. In so doing, he elevates the dictatorial leaders and condemns US friends.

    His tactics are one of a spoiled brat. Because that is precisely who he is. Keith

    Liked by 1 person

    • PS – There is no better picture than the one where Trump us seated with his arms crossed, with the belligerent John Bolton, with every one else on the other side of the table.

      This picture will appear in history books along with an article entitled “When America ceded its global leadership role.”

      Liked by 1 person

      • This is what the world really hates about US “exceptionalism”, we can push our weight around and impose our demands without expecting retaliatory response. We as a country are acting like spoiled brats so we deserve the President we get! Trudeau was right to push back and make it known that Trump’s brand of bully style exceptionalism is unreasonable and will only isolate the US from the world community.

        I hope the rest of the G6 responds in kind with stiff tariffs and trade wars. That will show Trump’s base what a fool they’ve been for electing/ supporting such a wrongheaded belligerent leader. Of course we will all pay the price, literally, from the fallout. Expect higher inflation and interest rates, more expensive goods and services which will kill off our struggling economy!


        • Dear 1EarthUnited,

          The president did act like a bully. In this case the president’s case against the Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was trumped up. There is no way that what the PM said as he closed out the G7 summit would have warranted President Trump’s ungracious ire. He had to make something up to justify his wanting to renege in signing off the G7’s consensus agreement.

          These countries respond in kind, in measured ways. This will end up harming the US economy just in time for the November 2018 elections.

          Hugs, Gronda

          Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Keith,

        If you pay attention to that photo with John Bolton, according to peoples in the know, it was John Bolton who was doing all the talking for the president as his arms are crossed. That is truly scary.

        Hugs, Gronda


    • Dear Keith,

      We all need friends who will have the courage and affection for us, who will talk straight with us, if need be. The president shuns this kind of relationship which enables him to live in his alternative reality.

      The scoundrels of the world are more than willing to play along with the president; whereas, his allies can’t.

      He doesn’t care if the affection is real or sincere, it is how one acts towards him that counts in his book.

      THE GOP in the US Congress are MIA in all of this.

      He is the bully-in-chief and a spoiled brat when folks punch back.

      Hugs, Gronda


  3. Dear Mz. Gronda,

    It seems that King Donnie does not have the slightest desire to understand the impact of the tariff war he has embarked on. He made the comment about the huge number of automobiles that flood into this nation from Canada, it is obvious that he has not figured out that these are American automobiles made for our domestic companies and not for foreign nations. Can you imagine the impact this will have on the business community in this nation? Even your local auto dealership will take an immediate hit in their pocketbook, that will be passed on to the consumer. This alone would cause a catastrophic impact on our local communities and lead to layoffs, and in some cases bankruptcies. This is just a small part of the impact of his tariff war, as it will cover most all of the consumer goods and even food stuffs that we use on a daily basis. I question if that is not actually his goal in this war, to impact the American economy to the point that our nation collapses and only the super rich survive..

    The other major impact will be on programs such as SS and Medicare, if the economy starts to collapse the push to eliminate those programs will accelerate and our (his?) congress will have no choice but to allow him to make these cuts. How long will we continue to be the Piggy Bank (his words) of the world when other nations demand that the loans they have made to this nation be repaid? How many people realize that our nations gold reserves is not even enough to cover even the deficit we carry in trade each year? In all reality if we as individuals were in debt similar to our nation, we would have already been subject to default on our debt and would be living on the street…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Crustyolemotman,

      Almost all economists, most of the GOP in the US Congress, even major GOP business donors are against the president’s imposition of tariffs, especially against the US neighbors and allies.

      The president has managed to find 2 cabinet members who agree with him. They are his number 1 economic adviser Peter Navarro and the US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

      But the president is catering to his base, many of whom want these tariffs. These same voters don’t get that these tariffs will do more harm in the end. There is no one, not even the democratic party leaders who are taking the time to educate these folks.

      Hugs, Gronda


  4. tRumpsky is nothing but a SPOILED BRAT! No matter how “grown up” he tries to act, when push comes to shove, he demonstrates — again and again — his true nature. It’s like Keith said … if you play to his ego and suck up to him, all is well. Otherwise, you’ll be lambasted on Twitter!

    How did we get so lucky?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nan,

      What President Trump doesn’t get, is that in a healthy relationship, his friends should not always be telling him what he wants to hear. But he gets rid of those folks who are on his side but who are also willing to speak truth to power.

      So, those world scoundrels who are willing to play the president’s game on his terms will end up earning his favor but he will end up thrashing the true US allies.

      Hugs, Gronda


  5. Trump said Trudeau was weak, but his actions showed how strong Trudeau and all the other G-7 leaders were, and how weak he actually is. He didn’t have the guts to say these things in front of the others, but had to wait till he was well out of range of their verbal missiles. Plus, he was afraid to even pretend to defend his stances on global climate change and environmental protection, both of which show his unwillingness to change with time and scientific thought. The man is stuck at the develpmental age of 2, and proves it more with every passing day.
    AND then to have all his cronies give the same “stab-in-the-back” speech over and over like the little trump-pets they are, not even able to think up their own phrases to make it sound like they can think for themselves, who do they think they are kidding?
    And then to go on and say Trump is wanting to look strong in front of Kim Jong-un on Tuesday, they have to be blind! And stupid! Trump looks so weak right now Kim will have his way with Trump without much effort. And then what will they say? Trump came out of the summit the winner? That his sh*t still doesn’t stink?
    Oh, I could go on, but it would all be a waste of my time…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Rawgod,

      It should already be obvious that our US president is very shallow.

      When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited President Trump in Washington DC, he garnered lots of attention from the media. The women in the White House and elsewhere swooned over him like he was a rock star. He is just a bit taller and in much more fit looking than President Trump. Needless to say, President Trump doesn’t like to share the spotlight.

      Typically, none of this should matter but remember that President Trump is a former reality star.

      I say all of the above to explain why President Trump would single out PM Trudeau to blame for his reneging on signing off on the G7 leaders’ consensus statement. There is nothing that the PM of Canada said as he closed out the G7 summit that would have warranted the president’s insane response except that the president felt a need to make up an excuse to do what he wanted to do all along.

      Hugs, Gronda


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