George Conway On President’s Unfitness For Office Becoming More Obvious Except To His Enablers



Ever since the FBI’s 22 month long Trump-Russia probe was ended with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report on the 22nd of March, the republican President has been spiraling out of control. One would think that he would be enjoying the overall favorable FBI report considering his set of circumstances. But, unfortunately, he’s surrounded by enablers who can’t see that he’s going full speed down a path of self-destruction and folks, this will not end well.

He has spent hours over the weekend spouting a litany of grievances about how he’s been a victim, treated unfairly, and how all  all those responsible have to be made to pay. He has been demanding that criminal investigations be initiated and conducted on all his perceived enemies. We all know the list, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, James Comey, etc.

This is a cover of the new Cliff Sims memoir from his time in the Trump White House

He informed all the media outlets that he doesn’t want to see the following guests on any news/ interview TV shows:

  • Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut
  • Representative Adam Schiff of California
  • Representative Jerry Nadler of New York
  • Representative Eric Swalwell of California
  • Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez
  • Former CIA Director John Brennan


Image result for images trump ending ACA

On the 25th of March 2019, President reversed course on his previous policies regarding the ACA under review by the 5th US District Court of Appeals in New Orleans. Democrats are thrilled that the president is committing suicide for any Republican Party candidate running for election/ reelection in November 2010 by his decision to kill Obamacare, in its entirety..

As per a 3/26/2019 Washington Post report, Trump administration asks court to completely invalidate Obama’s Affordable Care Act by Isaac Stanley Becker, “It presented its position in a legal filing Monday (3/26/2019) with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in New Orleans, where an appeal is pending in a case challenging the measure’s constitutionality. A federal judge in Texas ruled in December that the law’s individual mandate “can no longer be sustained as an exercise of Congress’s tax power” and further found that the remaining portions of the law are void. He based his judgment on changes to the nation’s tax laws made by congressional Republicans in 2017.”

“At first, the Trump administration had not gone as far, arguing in a brief last June that the penalty for not buying insurance was legally distinct from other provisions of the law, which could still stand. Justice Department officials said there were grounds only to strike down the law’s consumer protections, including those for people with preexisting health conditions.”

Image result for images trump kim jong un

Then, there are news reports that he’s decided to negotiate with N Korea, himself.

What could go wrong

Image result for photos of Dr. Bandy X. Lee,
As per a 3/26/2019 Raw News story, Raw Story spoke with Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a psychiatrist at Yale School of Medicine who has taught at Yale Law School for over 15 years, about her observations of the President’s reaction to the outcome of the Russia probe.  Her New York Times bestseller, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” was re-released in an expanded edition last week, alongside a major, interdisciplinary conference on presidential fitness (for more information on the conference, go to:”

Raw Story: “The Mueller report, according to Attorney General William Barr, found no evidence of conspiracy to collude with Russia by the Trump administration. Yet the report did not exonerate the President on obstruction of justice. Nevertheless, the President’s response was to tweet out that he’d been fully exonerated. What accounts for the President’s reaction?”


Bandy X. Lee: “We have seen on multiple occasions that he cannot tolerate the slightest criticism or even unpleasant realities to the point where he has to fabricate his own, declaring real news “fake” and repeatedly attacking all those who remind him of his inadequacies, even posthumously. This gives away his level of emotional fragility, and we can expect that he will aggressively overplay aspects of the report that favor him and underplay parts that do not. Hence, it is inevitable that whatever he says will be distant from reality, including “complete and total exoneration.”

“The problem is, instead of containing his sickness, we as a nation have enabled it, allowing him to put in place individuals and structures that echo his distorted views, such as the new attorney general. This is what I meant when I said, since two years ago, that not treating mental impairment as a mental problem will cause it to become uncontainable—pathology coopts normal structures to destructive ends, not the other way around. We offer no benefit to Donald Trump, either, when we pretend he is a normal politician instead of offering proper treatment.”

Link to entire report:

Here’s the rest of the story…
The following analysis by George Conway regarding President Donald Trump’s unfitness to serve by is a worthwhile read.

On March 26, 2019, George Conway penned the following analysis, “George ConwayTrump is guilty — of being unfit for office”


Very little was surprising about the conclusion of the special counsel’s investigation. For one thing, it wasn’t surprising that Robert S. Mueller III’s probe prompted great commotion — a federal investigation involving a sitting president is a momentous event, and concluding it, a historic moment. And most, but not all, of the details in the attorney general’s letter of “principal conclusions” were unsurprising as well.


“Let’s start with question of “collusion.” It was never precisely clear what that nonlegal concept meant. If it means what Mueller reasonably took it to mean — an “agreement,” “tacit or express,” with the Russians to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, or, in effect, a conspiracy with the Russians — then it was always virtually unimaginable that collusion, so defined, would ever be found. Russian agents didn’t need Americans to help them do what they were doing — hacking and posting disinformation. If anything, involving Americans, including some apparently blockish ones, could only have fouled up their plans. “Collusion” — or, rather, “no collusion” — was bound to become a straw man for President Trump and his supporters to knock down with glee.”

“Yet that hardly means that the investigation (which, thanks to Paul Manafort’s largesse, actually turned a neat profit) was either a “witch hunt” or a waste of time. After all, it was a counterintelligence investigation as well as a criminal probe. A core objective — the overarching one, really — was to find out exactly what the Russians were doing. Another was to find out whether there were “links” between the Trump campaign and Russia’s activities. As matters turned out, and quite surprisingly, we now know from public sources that there were links aplenty. So who knows what we might learn on these subjects from Mueller’s still-unreleased report? As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Monday, “Russia’s ongoing efforts to interfere with our democracy are dangerous and disturbing.” He added that he would “welcome” the special counsel’s contributions toward understanding them.”


“As for whether the president obstructed justice, that question was always dicey. No one should have been surprised that it raised, as Attorney General William P. Barr’s letter put it, quoting Mueller, “ ‘difficult issues’ of law and fact concerning whether the President’s actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction.” On the law, Barr was probably not wrong to suggest, as he did as a private citizen, that there’s a difference under the statutes between a president destroying evidence or encouraging a witness to lie and a presidential directive saying, “Don’t waste your time investigating that.” But that doesn’t mean the latter can’t be an impeachable offense.”

On the facts, obstruction turns on what’s in a defendant’s mind — often a difficult thing to determine, and especially difficult with a mind as twisted as Trump’s. And complicating things even more, paradoxically, is the fact that some of Trump’s arguably obstructionist conduct took place in full public view — something that, with a normal person with normal moral inhibitions, would have indicated a lack of criminal intent. But in the head of Donald Trump, who knows?”


“So it should’ve come as no surprise that the obstruction case was difficult, and inconclusive. But Barr’s letter revealed something unexpected about the obstruction issue: that Mueller said his “report does not conclude that the President committed a crime” but that “it also does not exonerate him.” The report does not exonerate the president? That’s a stunning thing for a prosecutor to say.”

“But Mueller isn’t prone to cheap shots; he plays by the rules, every step of the way. If his report doesn’t exonerate the president, there must be something pretty damning in it about him, even if it might not suffice to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. And in saying that the report “catalogu[ed] the President’s actions, many of which took place in public view,” Barr’s letter makes clear that the report also catalogues actions taken privately that shed light on possible obstruction, actions that the American people and Congress yet know nothing about.”


“At the same time, and equally remarkably, Mueller, according to Barr, said he “ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment” regarding obstruction. Reading that statement together with the no-exoneration statement, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Mueller wrote his report to allow the American people and Congress to decide what to make of the facts. And that is what should — must — happen now.”

“But whether the Mueller report ever sees the light of day, there’s one charge that can be resolved now. Americans should expect far more from a president than merely that he not be provably a criminal. They should expect a president to comport himself in accordance with the high duties of his office.”

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“Yet virtually from the moment he took office, in his response to the Russia investigation, Trump has done precisely the opposite: Relentlessly attacked an attorney general, Mueller, the Justice Department — including suggesting that his own deputy attorney general should go to jail. Lied, to the point that his own lawyers wouldn’t dare let him speak to Mueller, lest he commit a crime. Been more concerned about touting his supposedly historic election victory than confronting an attack on our democracy by a hostile foreign power.”

“If the charge were unfitness for office, the verdict would already be in: guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.”


  1. As always Great write up but I don’t know that it’s mental illness or some kind of anti-social personality disorder. I have watched him from afar in news clips throughout the years and I see no change except that now he is under the magnifier of the high office he holds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lindi Roze.

      I suspect the president suffers from an anti-social personality disorder that interferes with him being able to competently do his job. He’s surrounded by a bunch of enablers.

      But he is unfit to carry out his duties and he is a clear and present danger to US national security interests. I’ve been watching FOX TV provide him an echo chamber reflecting his perceived outrages, need for vengeance, feeding his need to feel victimized. Then the GOP sycophants in the White House and the US Congress aren’t much better. In addition, he now has a man as attorney general who is proving to be his Roy Cohn.

      This is a dysfunctional White House because the man at the top needs to have his ego constantly stroked.

      Hugs, Gronda.


  2. Gronda, it is telling that the President has been the opposite of magnaminous, with the Barr summary of the Mueller. He has been vindictive and petulant. A gracious response thanking people for their efforts, would have served him well.

    Going after FBI and CIA people as his sycophant Graham will do, is unwise. I have a post coming on this and actually left a message with the Senator.

    The ACA announcement is asinine. It does not help Americans and is not what Americans want per surveys. Even several GOPers have sounded off against it.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Keith,

      The president is still upset that he was not able to succeed in killing ACA in December 2017 and of course, he blames Senator McCain for this because he was the one nay vote which kept the ACA alive.

      Now that he has just dodged a bullet with the Mueller report, he wants a replay where he can succeed. He doesn’t seem to get that there was a blue wave of Democratic Party candidates winning in 2018 because of this healthcare issue.

      He not only has been ranting and raving to everyone who will listen as to how mistreated he has been, his anger/ rage is exploding to where his need for vengeance is out of control. His situation is made worse because he’s surrounded by enablers. For those folks who refused to continue to enable his insanity, they are long gone. He can’t be surrounded by anyone who doesn’t see how great he is. Senator Graham is one of the enablers.

      Hugs, Gronda



  3. Good post Gronda. Now that Trump believes himself (or at least claims to) to be “exonerated”, the abominations against We the People will only escalate. Already there is the Justice Department’s decision to support the Texas judge who declared ACA unconstitutional. Sure, it will work its way through the courts, but when it reaches the Supreme Court, we all know what is likely to happen. What’s next for the Trump who now feels more emboldened, more empowered than ever? My best guess is a renewed and more volatile attack on the mainstream media, which in essence has already begun with him trying to dictate who they should or should not have on their programs. Mick Mulvaney and his other advisors are convincing him to play only to his base, as he’s always done anyway, and the people of this nation will pay the price. Yes, he is unfit for the office. I will go a step further and say that we already have, contrary to Mr. Barr’s opinion, substantial evidence that he is a criminal. However, the republicans still have the keys to the front door and there can be no impeachment, no 25th Amendment. He must go, but the likes of Mitch McConnell and all his other flunkies are barring the means to force him out. There is no viable option until the 2020 election, it would seem, and even that is questionable, for under the present circumstances, I believe it will be an election bought and paid for by Trump and his wealthy minions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jill,

      The president claims of exoneration are a bit premature. Mr Barr is way past being a partisan. He is a true believer in the broadest of powers being allotted to the president. It is my opinion that Mr. Barr inserted himself to do exactly what President Trump has been wanting. President Trump finally wore everyone around him down until he got his way.

      This is why he worked so hard to get his guy Judge Kavanaugh to be catapulted onto the US Supreme court to be another check against any attempts to diminish his power.

      He has his own state-run cable news station with FOX, Sinclair Broadcasting and other right wing media outlets to back his plays.

      This does not look good. But it tells us that we have to push hard to insure voter integrity at the ballot boxes by Nov. 2020 and then we ‘Never Trumpers’ from the left to the right have to trounce him where he loses bigly along with all his sycophants in the US Congress and in any elected position around the country.

      We can’t afford to give into this sick dysfunctional White House.

      Hugs, Gronda.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Agreed. I suspect the hope of the republicans is that we will get so discouraged, so worn down, that we just give up, tuck our tails between our legs and go home to lick our wounds. AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!

        Liked by 1 person

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