Trump States, It’s Okay To Take Information From Foreign Governments To Win Elections

Image result for photos of George Stephanopoulos trump
On 6/12/2019, Ari Melber tweeted the following:

BREAKING Trump tells ABC if he’s offered information on a 2020 opponent: “I think you might want to listen, there’s nothing wrong with listening… I think I’d take it.”

3:51 PM – 12 Jun 2019
It’s being reported that the ABC TV Interviewer George Stephanopoulos advised him that the FBI Director Christopher Wray has said that candidates for US elected offices have to report any attempts by a foreign government to give information to a campaign, designed to assist that candidate, is obliged to contact the FBI. President Trump responded to the ABC host that the FBI is wrong.
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I’m so disgusted that both the Republican and Democratic Parties’ US Congressional lawmakers are refusing to stand up to this lawless president as required by the US Constitution. Both sides are cursed with leaders who think that’it’s okay to appease a would- be authoritarian head of state because they are more afraid of losing power than in standing up for the ‘rule of law,’ by honoring their oaths of office to protect the US Constitution, this country and its peoples, to show the world that our country’s values mean something, “no one is above the law.”
There are some of us who have this need to have our faith restored in the “rule of law” and in a functioning US government, but there are party leaders from both sides who at best, are being tepid in using their power to be a check on this president because taking serious action would be too politically costly.
Image result for Here’s why Democrats may rethink impeaching Trump

Our founders wrote the US Constitution with the core purpose to prevent tyranny. They didn’t want this country to be under the thumb of another king. That’s why the US Constitutional framers came up with the idea of distributing power among the president, the legislative body (the US Congress), and the judiciary branch. These three branches were designed to prevent the chances of our great US democracy from being ruled by an authoritarian type leader.

These framers also put in a mechanism within the US Constitution to be a check against a president who would attempt to usurp the powers of the other branches of government. Article I, Section 2 gives the House of Representatives the “sole power over the impeachment” process. Article I, Section 3 gives the Senate the “sole power to conduct a trial regarding all impeachments.”


Democratic Party…
Within the Democratic Party, there’s a debate brewing about whether or not the US House Democrats should act on the power granted it by the US Constitution to commence an impeachment inquiry against the President Trump based on his numerous felonious actions as detailed in the 3/22/2019 FBI’s final report regarding its 22 months long Trump-Russia probe, led by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller III.
As of 6/7/2019 and based on the FBI’s Mueller report, over 1000 federal prosecutors on a bi-partisan basis, have signed a public declaration explaining to the public, that if Donald Trump were not president, he would have been criminally indicted. There’s s Department of Justice rule that a sitting president can’t be criminally indicted.
I’ve had to figure out what has been the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s real objection against the House commencing an impeachment inquiry. I’ve become convinced that she doesn’t want to take a chance that those House Democrats from Trump-leaning states would lose seats in 2020 where the House would give up its current Democratic Party majority, and then of course, she would lose her leadership position.
It’s my opinion, that if Speaker Pelosi were to announce that she’s directing the House to commence an Impeachment Inquiry against President Trump, that with her current majority — 235 Democrats, 197 Republicans and three current vacancies –she would have enough votes to support her. (She could even allow 17 of her most politically vulnerable congressional members in Trump-leaning districts to take a pass.)
So far, there are about 60 US House Democrats who have stated publicly that they favor the commencement of an impeachment inquiry.
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I’ve finally come to the conclusion that Speaker Pelosi has been doing the political double speak and acting out with deflection tactics as a way to appease her base because 76% favor impeachment while the reality is, that she’ll grant the House the approval to conduct an impeachment inquiry over her dead body.

Instead, the House Speaker Pelosi has been calling for Democrats to defeat Trump in 2020 and, in the meantime, to press on with the myriad probes/ hearings into his conduct.

On 6/13/ 2019 Brian Fallon tweeted following:

Republican Party…

The Republican Party US Congressional lawmakers have been fearful of standing up to President Trump to confront him about his numerous wrong doings because of 2 words, Mark Sanford. He represents the perfect case as to why President Trump is blessed with GOP congressional sycophants because they also are worried about losing their cushy powerful jobs.
As per the 6/13/2018 article, “Why don’t Republicans stand up to Trump. Here’s the answer” by Dick Polman, “If you’re flummoxed by the abject servility of congressional Republicans, by their refusal to confront Trump and stand up for American values, check out the 6/12/2018 primary election in South Carolina. The purging of Mark Sanford says it all.”

“Sanford is a long-serving conservative lawmaker (and former governor) who typically votes with his party, but on a few public occasions, he has actually dared to suggest (gasp) that Trump is not the supreme very stable genius that the deluded Republican base deems Trump to be. The result: Sanford loses his job.”

“For the inexcusable sin of speaking his mind about factual reality, the Republican base voters in Sanford’s House district threw him out, handing the GOP nomination to a far-right Trumper who repeatedly denounced Sanford as “disloyal.”


“This is why rank-and-file Republican lawmakers refuse to speak out. They’re afraid of their own constituents. It’s Trump’s party now, and the constituents in red districts virtually worship the guy. Forget about putting country over party, because it’s actually worse than that. Sanford’s colleagues won’t put country over career. They’ll vow that what just happened to Sanford will not happen to them.”

“As conservative commentator Erick Erickson said, “Mark Sanford losing in South Carolina is pretty much proof positive that the GOP is not really a conservative party that cares about limited government. It is now fully a cult of personality.”

Image result for photos of justin amash
There’s one solo mio truly courageous US congressional member who has knowingly put his job on the line to stand up for what’s right, the GOP Rep. Justin Amash, a 2005 graduate from the University of Michigan Law School.
As per the 6/12/2019 Politico report, “Trump looks to squash Amash” by Alex Isenstadt,

“Donald Trump and his top allies are moving to make Justin Amash pay for becoming the sole Republican congressman to call for the president’s impeachment.”

“Trump and his top advisers have discussed the prospect of backing a primary challenge to the Michigan lawmaker — a highly unusual move for a president against a member of his own party that would effectively amount to a warning shot to other Republicans thinking of crossing him. The conversations come as the billionaire DeVos family, which has deep ties to the administration and remains one of Michigan’s most powerful families, has announced it will cut off the congressman. That move could send a signal to other conservative donors deciding whether to invest in Amash.”

Link to entire article:  Trump looks to squash Amash



  1. I share your disgust, my friend. It is my opinion tonight that we have failed miserably in our duty to protect the democratic republic that was once the United States, and have slipped unnoticed into a dictatorship. Trump has claimed, and his claims gone unchallenged by those who had the authority to challenge, that he is above the law. Since nobody has repudiated him or his claims, the die is cast. I hope I’m wrong, but … it doesn’t feel as if I am. Sigh. Hugs.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Jill,

      “We the people” are sick and tired of folks from both parties who are for business as usual. Their keeping and holding onto power is more important than doing their jobs to protect the US Constitution, this US democracy and its peoples. This is the poster case favoring the concept of term limits of our elected officials.

      There are times when elected officials have to put their jobs on the line to do what’s right. In this case leadership from both parties are more worried about maintaining power. But the GOP are more culpable.

      Winston Churchill got this. One can’t appease a tyrant without paying an untenable price, later.

      Hugs, Gronda

      Liked by 2 people

      • Trump has spun out of control, claiming that since he is the head of law enforcement, by definition he cannot be considered to have broken the law no matter what he does. Refusing to fire Kellyanne, when advised to do so by his own hiree, for she broke the law multiple times. Saying he would welcome and accept a foreign government’s help in providing documents illegally to help him rig the election. All of this points to a dictatorship and we better act soon!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Dear Jill,

          I’m frustrated beyond measure that ‘We the People’ are forced to live under a lawless tyrant in the White House who’s going off the rails with no one really blocking him. All of those folks in the US Congress, the White House have taken an oath to protect the US Constitution, this USA and its peoples.They are letting us down.

          We have folks in power who are more concerned about maintaining power than doing their duty. It’s come to the point that I strongly favor term limits.

          I’ve been so depressed over this and the death of my brother that I’m behind in everything and I can hardly even work on posting blogs. This is so disheartening.

          Hugs, Gronda

          Liked by 1 person

        • I share your frustration and depression. I’ve been meaning to write to you, for I am going through something similar to what you just went through … I will write tomorrow. Hugs, dear Gronda. We will get through this. Somehow.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Jill. It is even worse than that. tRump has several times mentioned how good the Chinese leader has it because he has a basically life time appointment. tRump has floated the idea several times of doing more than two terms. Yes the constitution says only two terms, but hey that thing can be changed or even now ignored. I really think we are seeing the US version of Turkey. They voted in a guy who then took the country hard religious right and changed the constitution to stay in power. He vilified the press and then took over the media, he stacked the courts and started simply put out judges who did not vote his way. He has made the country a religious dictatorship. Sound familiar? Oh and him and tRump are good friends. Hugs

      Liked by 2 people

      • I have long said … since even before his inauguration … that if he was allowed to take office, we would not easily see the backside of him. He has every intention of staying in office until his death, and then of passing the torch to either Ivanka or Junior. He is slowly but surely trampling other portions of the Constitution, and there is one very simple way he could stay in office beyond his term, which is to declare a national emergency such that elections would need to be ‘postponed’. Indefinitely. Yes, his goal is to become dictator for life. Always has been. During his 2016 campaign, I dubbed him the “wannabe king”, and he has lived up to that label. Sigh. Hugs!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Scottie,

        You are so right. You and I know you can’t appease the bully in the schoolyard. Someone will have to give the bully a bloody nose to let him know that he either behaves or he can play solo mio. If the bully gets away with any wrongdoings, he will only escalate and push the envelop. He’ll never be satisfied.

        Winston Churchill was one of the very few leaders in his time that got this in time to save Europe, etc.

        The GOP and Dems resisting their duty to give President Trump a long past due bloody nose, only emboldens him to push the envelop and to continue down his lawless path as he does damage to all the pillars of the US democracy to where he’s a clear and present danger to US national security interests.

        I’m sick of watching all of this.

        Hugs, Gronda

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Gronda, clearly this is unpatriotic at the least and traitorous at its worst. To me, it is not futuristic only, as I believe he is telling us he did this and it should be OK. Mueller’s report noted he did not have sufficient evidence to charge Trump with conspiracy, but that is not the same as saying he did not do it. Junior is testifying behind closed doors today to explain why he was not truthful on earlier comments to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mueller also noted a lot of deleted emails and texts and a president that was not interviewed.

    Clearly, the president is guilty of obstruction. He is still doing it. That is the opinion of over 1,000 former federal prosecutors and GOP Congressman Justin Amash, who is an attorney and actually read the report. But, if a little more digging is done, it will show other guilt.

    Trump just offered to George Stephanopolous that he would curry favor with a foreign entity. That should give enough evidence to these sycophantic GOP Senators to grow the needed spine and act. I think a note to the GOP Senators asking what they are going to do about. If they do nothing, they are enabling a current and present danger to our democracy. And, I do not and have not used those words lightly.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Keith,

      I’m so despondent over President Trump not being adequately challenged over his lawless behaviors.

      We all know what happened. President Trump was confronted by his own internal polls that he’ losing in all the key states that he needs to carry to have a chance of being reelected in 2020. Of course, he’s spinning away this reality.

      Then he fumes and frets over his ugly poll numbers. This is when he comes up with an idea. He’ll float sell the concept that it’s okay to accept foreign help in order to win an election. Thus he sets up the interview. He’s still dealing with the backlash from announcing that he’d welcome assistance from a foreign country. to win an election.It’s just his way of doing oppo research. Contrary to Speaker Pelosi’s analysis, he knew exactly what he was doing and he has to have a -0- IQ to not realize this at this point.

      There’s no way to cut him slack on this fubar.

      Hugs, Gronda


      • Gronda, we need the GOP to find that thing that runs down the back; doctors call it a spine. THe GOP had an opportunity to for a few folks to galvanize by a very courageous Congressman Justin Amash. Senator Mitt Romney stepped up to the plate and then whiffed at an easy pitch. These folks are scared of the vindictive president, especially after he got his base to vote out Congressman Mark Sanford in SC in a primary, only to see that person lose in the general election.

        Senator Richard Burr got vilified for subpoenaing Junior. Yet, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee arranged for Junior to twice come in voluntarily. Junior had no respect for the time and importance of the Committee and blew them off. So, Burr subpoenaed him. As an independent, I have written to Burr that what he did was right. We cannot have the executive branch showing disdain, even contempt of Congress.

        This tells me two things – Trump feels he is above the law. And, Trump has a lot to hide. Mueller could not bring evidence of collusion – but as he notes that does not mean he did not conspire. There is a huge difference. But, there is no question Trump obstructed justice and still is. He is a clear and present danger to our democracy.

        I do agree Pelosi needs to get her ducks in a row. They need America fully behind them. To her advantage, Trump will commit sins like he did this week with the foreign influence – what he said is illegal. Period.


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  3. Hello Gronda. I agree with you on Speaker Pelosi’s motives in trying to spare the Democrats in red districts. However she has miscalculated I think. One of the things that brought the voters out in the 2018 election was the claim the Democrats would “hold tRump accountable”. She is killing the excitement and motivations of the very people we need in 2020. She thinks to move on tRump will turn off the independents and those who do not want to vote for tRump. Well let’s look at this. The cult of tRump base will vote for him no matter what. They won’t leave him nor will this number grow much ( unless he starts his much wanted war with Iran ) so trying to appeal to them or being afraid to rile them up is nonsense. They are as they are going to be. Independents and those who won’t vote for tRump ( not calling them non-tRump Republicans as the Republican party is now the cult of tRump, so if they are not for him they are not Republicans anymore ) will either stay home or vote third party as it is right now. We have to show them why they should vote for the Democrats. Simply passing legislation that goes dead in the Senate wont do it. We need to show we are willing to be the party standing up for law / order / the constitution something the Republican party use to claim they were. So if she wants to protect the new members from red states she better get hard core on tRump. That is why those people elected them. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Scottie,

      Again you and I are in the same page. Why does the House Speaker Pelosi think that VP Joe Biden is ahead in the polls to become the Democratic Party 2020 presidential nominee. It’s because he’s perceived as having the best shot to win against President Trump. Personally, I prefer other candidates like Mayor Pete and Kamala Harris. I’m even becoming enamored of Senator Elizabeth Warren. All the polls show that Dems # 1 goal is to elect someone who can definitely beat President Trump.

      Recent CNN polls show that 76% of Dems favor the -I-word. On 6/4/2019, about 30 progressive groups like Indivisible warned the speaker that their members are sick of all her excuses and that they wanted the House to commence -I-inquiry. The Washington Post states that three committee chairs and 65 Democratic Party members favor the start of impeachment proceedings. As of today, the majority of Dems on the House Judiciary Committee favor the an -I-inquiry.

      She’s forgetting that in 2018 midterm elections, Dems won bigly because of record high voter turnout especially among our Black brothers and sisters. The Dems didn’t just win by trumpeting the issue of healthcare In short if in 2016, there had been the same turnout as occurred in 2018, HRC would be president. It was Dems not showing up in sufficient numbers in key states that cost Dems the WH and seats in the US Congress in 2016.

      A depressed base voter turnout in 2020 could repeat the losses of 2016. This is something the Dems can ill-afford.

      Hugs, Gronda

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