POTUS Biden Should Be More Transactional Like GOP MAGA Candidates

Joe Biden compares his priorities, in Nate Beeler's latest political ...POTUS Joe Biden has brought the US out of post 2020 COVID era with the best economic recovery in comparison to all other developed countries. The pundits’ frequent predictions of an inevitable recession fizzled. The GDP growth rate is higher than expected, the unemployment rate is at historic lows, household wealth as per the stock market is surging, and wages are rising faster than costs.

POTUS Joe Biden strategically is doing all the right things to earn the votes of most Americans, but he needs to add one more arrow to his arsenal of tools.

He can become more transactional because with all the great financial news, average voters aren’t feeling it. Pundits keep asking, why?

Let’s get real! 50% of Americans (lots of voters) earn less than $50,000 annually and these are the ones who aren’t feeling any recovery. That it could be a lot worse isn’t much of a selling point.

These voters on a budget have endured major hits to their post COVID era financial well-being because of chronic inflationary increased costs on absolute necessities like rent, home purchases and repair expenses, car and repair purchases, home and auto insurance increased rates, gasoline bills, health care bills, credit card purchases with usury rates up to 29%, basic food items, quality childcare costs, never-ending college loans, etc.  With all these increases in financial burdens, there’s little left over for these essential workers to save for retirement, college tuition for their children, emergency expenses, etc. They live with insecurity in that even a short-term job loss could be devastating; that they’ll not be able to retire with financial security; and that they and their children will probably be stuck with college loans equal to a mortgage.

These American workers who’re still drowning in financial mire, don’t want to hear that conditions are getting better and that they’re closer to shore. They’re exhausted to where they want someone to throw them a lifeline.

President-elect Joe Biden: Political Cartoons – Daily News

So, they listen to the rarely coherent MAGA GOP presidential candidate who continuously makes grandiose commitments like his economy will be best ever, there will be great jobs, etc. but he’s always short on specifics.

The reality is that the ex-president has never implemented any program that benefits the little guy, the average worker. Remember his failure to produce a healthcare bill designed to replace Obamacare during his term in the White House and his never-ending promise to implement an U.S. infrastructure bill. Don’t forget how catastrophically he handled the COVID era crisis and how he failed to kill Obamacare by one vote.

But while he has failed in helping America’s workers, he did follow through in granting the GOP billionaire class of supporters’ wishes for hugs tax cuts, de-regulation wherever and whenever possible, even when the elimination of business regulations harmed consumers, bigly. He’s great at stoking and reflecting the anger/ rage/ racist impulses/ fear and disaffection of working Americans while delivering nothing that really helps them.

At some point, POTUS surrogates need to remind Americans that it’s not the other (name the minority) that’s challenging their feeling of becoming less financially secure but the corporate CEOs’ who’ve been sending American jobs abroad, using robotics and other technology devices to replace workers, keeping wages stagnant for 50 years, fighting off unions, increasing CEOs compensation etc.

As per EPI.org, “Using the realized compensation measure, compensation of the top CEOs increased 1,322.2% from 1978 to 2020 (adjusting for inflation). Top CEO compensation grew roughly 60% faster than stock market growth during this period and far eclipsed the slow 18.0% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation.”

Before 1973, compensation growth for both workers and CEOs were based on productivity increases and were close to being equal. Post 1973, many corporate leaders became members of a conservative organization called ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) designed to represent business interests, often at the expense of frontline workers.

See: POTUS Biden Is Working to Lift Up All Including GOP MAGAs/ ALEC Explained

Cartoons: No respect for Donald Trump

In contrast, POTUS Joe Biden could reach these voters by getting transactional with them. He can let them know specific plans on how he’ll lead the US Congress in continuing to lift up average working families even more if Democrats win bigly, up and down the ticket in November 2024.

The following are only a few examples that POTUS Biden could offer average working families post 2024 to show that Democrats mean business in wanting to earn their votes:

1.) Eliminate the tax burden on social security income for any senior earning less than $75,000 annually. Older voters are the most likely to show up at the voting polls and many who even voted for the GOP MAGA ex-president in the past have been turned off by the January 2021 insurrection against the US Capitol by GOP MAGA believers of the big lie that their leader was cheated out of his election win. This includes his indifference to the police officers who suffered because of this attack on US democracy. It’s this generation of folks who respect and know the history of how many military heroes sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms. They value the blessing of living in a country governed as a democracy versus an autocracy like Russia, the type of government favored by the GOP MAGA ex-president and his supporters.

2.) Eliminate any remaining college loans still owed after 7 years or 10 years. Loans carried beyond 7 years, aren’t likely to still be on the books for well-off grads.

3.) With average childcare costs ranging from about $5,000 – $18,000 per year, it’d be a huge benefit to allow parents/guardians to claim this expense as a deduction to their taxed income.

Trump: an ideologue in the Groucho Marx mold | The Japan Times

4.) For young adults purchasing their first home, allow for a deduction up to $50,000 off their taxable income. According to Realtor.com, the median cost for a home is $441,000.  The $50,000 figure would cover a 10% downpayment plus closing costs.

5.) Place a cap on credit card interest charges to not exceed 10 points above Fed interest rate. Currently, the Fed interest rate is set at 5.50% which means credit card interest rates shouldn’t exceed 15.50%.

6.) For the next 2 years post 2025, taxpayers earning less than $250,000 annually should be compensated by the federal government for $1500 per quarter to offset the increase of costs of essential items like food, medicine, etc.

7.) Develop creative realistic solutions to bolster small businesses, the economic segment most harmed during the 2019-2020 COVID pandemic era.

As per Mckinsey & Company, “the sectors most affected by the coronavirus and the least financially resilient include 1.7 million small businesses, employ 20 million workers, and earn 12 percent of US business revenue.”


  1. You’ve hit a nail firmly on the hewd, Gronda, but it won’t happen under Biden. He talks big talk, but in the end he is not changing much for the wealthy, which means he is not really accomplishing much for the poor. Wdalthy inequity is still widening! I don’t knowj exactly what he is scared of, but he is scared of condthing — of offending someone. And that does not bode well for future Democrats, or future Democrat voters.

    I was following the blog of an 18 year old student for awhile, just to try to see her t0hought processes. She cannot see Trump as a threat. She thinks the two-party system is not broken. And she is considering voting for Trump because he says he will get things done. She has no idea.
    If she Is representative of American youth, Biden could lose. And we know what a disaster thst will be.

    What I don’t get is thst the Democratic Party as a whole does not see the path they need to take. They are taking baby steps when they need to be taking giant leaps! None of the current crop have any balls!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The problem that I see with Democrats is that they don’t know how to fight like MAGA Republicans. It’s not in their DNA. When the MAGA GOP ex-president accuses Democrats of weaponizing the US judicial system, the US elections, etc., he’s clueless. Because he’s guilty of all the above, he can’t conceive of the concept that the other side’s members aren’t acting likewise.

      This is a problem. Democrats have to start fighting and messaging because our US democracy is literally at stake, but they have to act like it.

      Hugs, Gronda


      • Having no actual stake in Ametican elections, being Canadian, I hsve been saying that for a long time — Republicans fight dirty, and Democrats let them get away with it. Dems want to be seen to be honourable, but honour is meaningless when graves are being dug. Like using bows and arrows against machine guns… Hits will be scored, but the bullets will pay no attention to them.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Dems can fight harder without sinking to the level of dirty tricks politics by GOP MAGA politicians. They could place billboards in every possible swing state like, vote D for democracy and R for Russia; vote D for defense of everyone rights and R for revoking rights for everyone who disagrees with GOP MAGAs’ thinking or religious beliefs.

          They could remind voters of the GOP MAGA ex-president’s record from 2017-2020:

          As per FactCheck.org, here’re some statistics for the entirety of Donald Trump’s time in office:

          • The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
          • Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation.
          • The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
          • The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
          • The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
          • Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.
          • Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
          • Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.
          • Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.
          • The murder rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.
          • Trump filled one-third of the Supreme Court, nearly 30% of the appellate court seats and a quarter of District Court seats.

          Hugs, Gronda


        • Dems can fight much harder, and your ideas are good ones. But don’t expect to ever win a MAGAt overfrom the dark side with logic or facts. They brush those off like a leaf.
          I’m not reblogging it, but Rodger Malcolm Mitchell posted today about cult leaders, and how cults work. #Monetary Sovereignty (Word Press.com) It is well worth reading.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. For several nights now I’ve had you on my mind, wondering if all was well, and meaning to email you, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. And then, this evening, I saw that you had posted!!! WELCOME BACK, dear friend! And this is an EXCELLENT post! Thank you for these clear visions and thoughts … we must do whatever we can to help President Biden hold onto the Oval Office in November, for the alternative is simply unthinkable. Hugs, dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m always thrilled to hear from you. I hope that all is well with you. How many cats do you now have?

    I’m almost 75 years old which means I’m constantly fighting off woes and ailments that are part of the aging process. But overall, I’m doing great.

    I just had lots of visits from family. I’m afraid to fly because of middle ear issues which developed, mostly after my March trip to Paris with my 42-year-old son and my 10-year-old granddaughter. The weather in Florida is hot, hotter and hottest which is wearing.

    I’m thinking that the June 27th debate could end up being the GOP MAGA ex-president’s waterloo. He is beyond incoherent.

    Hugs, Gronda

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are now down to just four cats … hard to believe that just a couple of years ago we had ten!

      I just turned 73 last week, and feel every bit of it. The heart problems continue to plague me and keep me from being able to do most of what I want to do, but … on the bright side, it gives me plenty of sedentary time to research and write my blog. Gotta look for that bright spot sometimes, yes?

      I hope to hear more from you, Gronda … I really do miss you! Take care, my friend, and keep on keeping on, for the world needs you and many more like you! Big HUGS

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Jill,

        May I wish you a belated Happy Birthday!

        Only 4 cats. I’m sorry to learn about your heart problems, no small deal. Those 4 cats must keep you busy and blogging does take time but now, sharing truth is more important than ever. Do you go on Tik-Toc? If you ever feel up to visiting Florida, you’re welcome to stay with me, just not during the summers when the heat is brutal.

        I’ll be blogging more because it’s election season. My latest major peeve has to do with business leaders who seem to be supporting the GOP MAGA ex-president. These CEOs are ignorant of what’ll happen to their businesses if the ex-president should win because they’re ignorant of history, even recent history. I can’t believe that they’re so clueless.

        It isn’t until I reached my mid 70s that my age began to haunt me but when I look around at other older adults, I feel blessed.

        I got hit with COVID 3x. 2x were because of travel (airports and airplanes) and 1x was because I accompanied my daughter to the hospital while she was undergoing surgery.

        Recently, I took a transatlantic flight that caused me to have middle ear issues and loss of hearing which is hopefully temporary.

        Hugs, Gronda

        Liked by 1 person

        • Many thanks for the birthday wishes! I tried not to have a birthday this year, but the girls wouldn’t let me get by with that!

          The cats can sometimes be a handful, but for the most part they’re pretty docile and self-sufficient. No, I don’t do Tik Tok and I cancelled my Twitter account shortly after Elon Musk took it over. Facebook is now the only social media account that I use, and I don’t do much on there, either. Just blogging keeps me busy enough, and keeping up with the news, doing the research. Thank you so much for the offer, my friend, and if I ever do get to Florida, I would love to stay with you! We would have a great time, staying up chatting about everything under the sun until the wee hours!

          I’m glad to know you’ll be blogging more during this election season. I always value your views on the events of the day! Yes, the business leaders seem to be willing to sacrifice everything in exchange for more tax cuts, more profits. I read today that Trump is telling them they must fire any of their executives who don’t support him! What nonsense!

          I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had Covid 3 times! So much for that immunity thing everybody talked about. I’m glad you survived to tell about it, though. I do hope your hearing comes back soon … have you seen an otologist? Take good care of yourself, my friend … we need you!



  4. Gronda, it is so good to have you back in action. Your post and detailed response to Rawgod about what Trump did should be required reading. Biden, while not perfect, is not getting the credit he deserves. If a Republican was in the White House and the stock market blew past 40,000, it would be trumpeted.

    You are right, the folks beneath $50K are seeing higher prices. But, why are they higher? Supply declined while demand increased. Trump’s tariffs upset supply chains and increased the cost of imported goods (which he lied about twenty times saying China paid for the tariffs). Demand went up along with costs. Since prices are upward elastic and downward inelastic (meaning they go up more easily than they fall), consumers suffer.

    Biden has addressed and should address pocket book issues. His infrastructure bill creates jobs; Trump’s tax bill gave more money to rich people who did not spend it. Trump’s tax bill increased net taxes on many in the middle class, especially in states with high taxes.

    What Democrats fail to realize is in the same number of White Houses since 1921, Democrats have overseen almost double the number of jobs overseen by Republicans. Double.

    Then there is all of Trump’s overt crimes, sins, alleged crimes, denigrations and lies. Add to that woke and border issues which are overblown. Then add not dealing with water, environment and climate change concerns and attacking women’s rights and the GOP does not have a lot to offer.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for your kind words. It’s great to hear from another fellow former Republican and a blogging buddy.

      You are so right about the GOP MAGA ex-president’s inclination to initiate new tariffs on goods imported from other countries. It’s the consumer who ends up paying for these tariffs with higher price tags. We all know that he’ll simply do more of the same.

      I wish that POTUS Biden and/ or his surrogates would spend some time educating American voters including business leaders about how a democracy changing into an autocracy does major damage to the economic wellbeing of its country’s citizens.

      We’ve seen the resulting economic devastation that occurs with countries that have undergone this transition like with Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Turkey Hungary. Countries that have always ruled as an autocracy have more mixed results. For example, until COVID era, China’s economy was booming whereas, no one would envy the lifestyles of workers in Russia or North Korea.

      According to the World Bank in 2019, and after 2013, Hungary and Turkey saw a major decline in foreign investments in their countries. ” Declines range from 66 percent in Venezuela to 300 percent in Hungary.”

      Hugs, Gronda

      Liked by 1 person


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