Business Leaders, Don’t Turn A Blind Eye to Trumpism Like Many Did with Nazis of WWII

Dear Voters, please don’t buy all the propaganda hit jobs on POTUS Biden that the GOP MAGA political operatives and foreign autocratic leaders are using to flood the US media, like the illusion that the business community is totally backing the ex-president.

Most CEOs aren’t fooled by the GOP MAGA ex-president’s claim that under his reign, the US economy proved to be the “greatest economy in the history of the world.” It turns out that even pre-pandemic era, the US GDP (gross domestic product) under his administration was about equal to his predecessor, the Democrat POTUS Obama and his GDP numbers lagged behind 7 other post WWII presidents.

As per the June 23, 2024 New York Times report by Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, “Donald Trump Doesn’t Have the Support of Corporate:”


“(The Trump) campaign would have you believe that our nation’s top chief executives are returning to support Mr. Trump for president, touting declarations of support from some prominent financiers like Steve Schwarzman and David Sacks.”

“That is far from the truth. They didn’t flock to him before, and they certainly aren’t flocking to him now. Mr. Trump continues to suffer from the lowest level of corporate support in the history of the Republican Party.”

“I know this because I work with roughly 1,000 chief executives a year, running a school for them, which I started 35 years ago, and I speak with business leaders almost every day. Our surveys show that 60 to 70 percent of them are registered Republicans.”

“The reality is that the top corporate leaders working today, like many Americans, aren’t entirely comfortable with either Mr. Trump or President Biden. But they largely like — or at least can tolerate — one of them. They truly fear the other.”

Political cartoons: Trump, press, Russia, Ash Wednesday | Column ...

But there are CEOs who’re laser focused on their businesses’ profitability and by the goal to increase returns to already rich shareholders to where nothing else matters. These insular tunnel-visioned executives are the ones most likely to be backing the GOP MAGA ex-president’s potential return to the White House. They’re the ones who have already become entrenched in the Trump camp and who could care less about their contribution to widespread economic, gender and racial inequalities, while hastening the climate meltdown. Since 1973, these corporations have been driving down wages, not paying their fair share in taxes while consistently, influencing governments to privatize vital public services like healthcare and education.

Of course, the corporation’s bottom line is further enhanced if its executives can figure out a way to pay less in taxes while lowering the added expense of being required to adhere to government regulations. For years, these business leaders have promoted and lobbied for cutting back on government monies being allocated to social safety net programs like social security, Medicare, Obamacare in order to increase profits.

The GOP MAGA ex-president has been attempting to entice corporate support, outside of those already in his orbit, by advertising that if he wins, then the business community can count on tax cuts and less government regulations.

Recently, corporate CEOs who’re not already in the Trump camp noted (anonymously) to a news reporter that at a recent Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, the GOP MAGA ex-president was incoherent.

As per CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin of the “Squawk Box,” Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map.”

The corporation CEOs who back the re-election of the GOP MAGA ex-president must be well aware of his desire to emulate the governing style of authoritarian/ Fascist leaning idols like Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban, and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, etc.

With wide-spread publication of the 900-page Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 report which is a blueprint of how potentially, the GOP MAGA Trump administration plans to manage the US government, those Trumpian business leaders can’t claim ignorance of the consequences if their financial backing for him, proves successful. But these CEOs will go down in historical ignominy just like past corporate icons have, because of their support of Nazis during WWII.

Ferdinand Porsche demonstrating a Volkswagen to Hitler in 1938. Flickr/ This was Hitler’s choice for a car to be widely distributed

The following is a small sampling of corporations which supported the Nazis cause during WWII era…

As per a July 2018 report by Khalid Elhassan, “10 Famous Companies That Collaborated With Nazi Germany:”

“Hugo Boss Was an Active Nazi Who Produced Uniforms for the Brown Shirts, SS, and Hitler Youth”

“In 2013, comedian Russell Brand was kicked out of a GQ magazine’s Men of the Year Awards shindig, after cracking jokes about the event’s sponsor, Hugo Boss, and its Nazi ties. As Brand put it: “If anyone knows a bit about history and fashion, you know it was Hugo Boss, who made uniforms for the Nazis. …But they looked fu*king fantastic, let’s face it, while they were killing people on the basis of their religion and sexuality“. Understandably, Hugo Boss’ executives were not thrilled that all they got for the £250,000 they spent sponsoring the event was another dose of bad publicity about their company’s Nazi past.”

“Today, Hugo Boss is a global luxury fashion brand, famous for its flashy ties and classic suits, with about 1100 company-owned stores worldwide as of 2016. (Not) cool was the history of the company’s founder, fashion designer Hugo Ferdinand Boss (1885 – 1948). He was an enthusiastic Nazi who devoted his talents to making Hitler’s goons look as snazzy as possible.”

“Boss founded a textile factory as a family-run business in 1923, and one of his early big contracts was to supply uniforms to the Nazi party’s SA storm troopers, or Brown Shirts. He eventually joined the party, and when the Nazis took power in 1933, Boss, as an active party member and enthusiastic supporter of its policies, was on the inside track when the new regime began awarding clothing contracts. Before long, Boss’ company was producing, in addition to the Brown Shirts’ uniforms, the black outfits of the SS, and the black-and-brown uniforms of the Hitler Youth.”

10 Famous Companies That Collaborated With Nazi Germany

“Production continued and expanded during World War II. By then, Hugo Boss was outfitting the SS, SA, Hitler Youth, German rail workers, postal employees, as well as the German army, navy, and air force. As the conflict raged, Hugo Boss made use of hundreds of slave workers in his factory, mostly from Poland and France, to meet increased wartime production demands.”

“The slave laborers’ working conditions were dreadful. During air-raids, they were not allowed into shelters but had to remain in the factory. Those who attempted to flee were sent to even more dreadful places if captured, such as Auschwitz.”

10 Famous Companies That Collaborated With Nazi Germany
Company That Collaborated with Nazi Germany

Fanta Was Born in Nazi Germany During World War II

“Fanta, one of Coca-Cola’s most popular products, comes in over 70 flavors today and is sold in 188 countries. It was first concocted and manufactured in Nazi Germany during World War II. Its story begins in the years leading up to World War II, when Coca-Cola’s greatest international success story was its German branch, Coca-Cola Deutschland (Coca-Cola GmbH). Germans loved Coke and consumed it at such a rate that record sales were set year after year in the Third Reich. The German branch flourished under American-born director Ray Powers, and continued to flourish under his successor, Max Keith, after Powers died in a car accident in 1938. By the time WWII broke out in 1939, the soft drink giant had 43 bottling plants and over 600 local distributors.”

“The war disrupted that love affair between Germans and Coke. Keith communicated with the parent company that he would try to keep operations running in Germany, but some key ingredients for producing Coca-Cola syrup could only be obtained from overseas.”

“The halt didn’t last long, however, as Coca-Cola Deutschland cast about for an alternative soft drink to Coke, using readily available domestic ingredients. After some trial and error, they came up with a new soda made from the odds and ends left over from other food industries, such as apple fiber from cider presses, and whey, a cheese byproduct. For sweetener, the company initially used saccharin, before securing the right to use 3.5 percent beet sugar in 1941. While the standard Fanta today is an orange drink, there was no standard flavor during WWII, as the company used whichever fruits happened to be available.”

“The new soft drink got its name when Max Keith held a brainstorming session with his subordinates to come up with something catchy. Keith urged his employees to use their imaginations (fantasie in German), and one of them, a salesman named Joe Knipp, piped up with “Fanta! Fanta proved popular enough with Germans during the war – selling over three million cases in 1943.”

10 Famous Companies That Collaborated With Nazi Germany
Slave workers in a Siemens factory within Auschwitz concentration camp. Wikimedia

“Siemens Made a Killing from the Holocaust”

“The German conglomerate Siemens AG is Europe’s biggest industrial manufacturing company, employing over 375,000 people, and generating more than € 83 billion in revenues in 2017. Its factories churn out a wide range of products in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering products, energy, medical goods, drives, fire safety, and industrial plant goods. In the Nazi era, it was Germany’s biggest industrial conglomerate and made use of slave laborers by the hundreds of thousands.”

“Siemens, which had been founded in 1847, hit a rough patch after WWI, and things did not get any better during the Great Depression. It was saved by the Nazis. When Hitler & Co. took control of Germany in 1933, Siemens profited as the new regime started rearming, and the company experienced massive growth from armaments contracts. As the leader of Germany’s electrical industry, Siemens’ revenue increased continuously from 1934 onwards.”

“From 1940 onwards, Siemens relied increasingly on slave labor from countries occupied by Germany, prisoners of war, Jews, Gypsies, and  concentration camp inmates. Indeed, Siemens was a leading participant in the Nazis’ “death through work” program and ran factories inside concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Ravensbruck, Flossenburg, Sachsenhausen, and others.”

“Unsurprisingly, working conditions were terrible. For example, Siemens used female slave workers at Ravensbruck to make electrical components for V-1 and V-2 rockets. They were subjected to all types of exploitation, with the ever-present threat of death if they balked. Siemens’ construction operations also made use of female slave workers, yoking them in teams like draft animals to pull giant rollers to pave the streets.”

Fascism and Nazism : Meaning, Origin, History and Differences

“Siemens’ general director, Rudolf Bingel, was a personal friend of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and made full use of his connections to ensure that Siemens did well under the Nazis. The company further profited from the Holocaust via the “Aryanization Program“, which expropriated Jewish businesses and properties, then resold them at fire-sale prices to approved companies such as Siemens.”

“Unsurprisingly, Siemens did its best to forget its role during the Nazi era.  In 2001, in a jaw-dropping display of obliviousness, Bosch Siemen Hausgeraete, the company’s consumer products arm, filed applications with the US Patents & Trademark Office for the name Zyklon. The same as in Zyklon B, the toxic chemical used in the Holocaust’s gas chambers. The company sought to use the Zyklon name in a range of household products, including gas ovens. After a public outcry, Siemens did an about turn, and withdrew the trademark applications.”

This blog was updated on 6/27/2024.



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