Voters, Ignore Outside Noises / Just Plan Your 2024 Vote Like You’re Going to War


It’s war when the US democracy is under attack. There are GOP MAGAs backed by GOP MAGA big dark money donors who are fighting with a multi-prong strategy to morph our US democracy in 2025 into a Fascist type of autocracy like Russia.

There are numerous instances of propaganda being perpetuated by GOP MAGA supporters/ donors and leaders from countries like Russia, China and Israel because they all have a vested interest in flooding US media social media outlets with fake news to bolster the GOP MAGA ex-president’s chances for a win in November 2024. With AI technology, it has become easier to flood the world with fake news. The goal is to prevent and suppress any anti-Trump voter from casting their ballot and having it count.

There are so many examples that there’s no way to predict all the tactics that the opposition will employ.

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Voters simply need to ignore all the outside noises and just vote for all democratic candidates. For example, ignore listening to any news items that could discourage folks from casting their ballots, like the polls claim that the GOP MAGA ex-president is winning in swing states; that a democrat party candidate is winning by a huge margin and therefore, an extra vote won’t matter; that it’s okay to substitute a write-in candidate for US president instead of casting the ballot for a democrat; that lots of my Black brothers are now supporting the GOP MAGA ex-president instead of the democrat’s candidate.

Unfortunately, with the January 27th presidential debate, POTUS Biden gave credence to GOP MAGAs recent exaggerations/ misleading comments that have been permeating the media about him being infirm, incompetent and feeble. Because of all the previous negative media coverage regarding POTUS Biden’s competency plus his poor recent debate performance, he’s going to have to make a herculean effort overcome the impression that’s setting in with voters about his age issues interfering with his ability to compete for the US presidency against the GOP MAGA ex-president.

While I applaud his Olympian performance as president, if POTUS Biden’s last night’s subpar debate performance wasn’t truly a one-off event due to his being ill while taking medication for his cold after a recent European trip where he met for days with foreign leaders, only he and his democrat party operatives know the true picture about his capabilities to continue campaigning to become reelected as US president.

They need to do some honest soul searching if hard decisions have to be made because no less the best interests of the American peoples and saving our US democracy are stake. 

Younger democrat operatives should be more empathetic about President Biden’s age at 81 as they figure out a way to better pace his intense schedule. Why was he allowed on the debate stage while he was under such obvious distress? Why wasn’t he allowed to be himself instead of being overly prepped with data for days?

But Dems can’t be like GOP MAGA politicians who cover for their leader who’s a lying, cheating, convicted felon, sexual abuser, insurrection inciter, thief of classified data making him an obvious a clear and present danger to US national security interests and to the survival of our US democracy.

Frankly, for all those who want to protect our US democracy, at his worst, it’s my opinion that the democrat President Joe Biden is by far the better choice over the GOP MAGA ex-president who failed at the debate to directly answer questions, to present an adequate grasp of problems facing our nation with solutions and who’s guilty of sharing falsehoods, from start to finish.

After some self-refection, if POTUS Biden decides to continue onwards, then it’s incumbent on all non-Trump voters to back him without reservation.

As per the former RNC chairman and political pundit, Michael Steele, President Biden should own the facts that he’s older, he walks slower, and he slurs his words on occasion while he trumps his honesty, decency, law abiding nature as a leader who knows right from wrong and who’ll continue fighting to make life better for all Americans while steadfastly protecting our US democracy.


Some of the previous GOP MAGAs lies regarding POTUS Biden’s competency that add credence to POTUS Biden’s faltering January 27th debate performance where he looked exhausted and like a deer frozen by a car’s blinding headlights, are:

As per the June 17, 2024 NBC report by Alex Seitz-Wald, “Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up:”


“More Americans may think President Joe Biden tried to sit on a nonexistent chair the other day than know the boring truth that there was, in fact, a chair.”

“The chair-that-was-there was just one of many quick video clips the conservative media ecosystem willed into virality over the past two weeks, leaving fact-checkers and Biden’s team with little chance to catch up.”

“The Republican National Committee, major conservative media outlets and right-wing influencers have succeeded in blasting out videos that they claim show “proof” of Biden’s wandering offfreezing up or even filling his pants with a substance commonly represented by a brown swirl emoji.”

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Independent fact-checkers and the Biden campaign have pointed out that the videos, while they are un-doctored by artificial intelligence, tend to crumble under even basic scrutiny, such as when the moments are viewed in context or from wider camera angles.

“Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about President Biden with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super PAC, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting its readers and itself once again,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement in reference to a video of Biden at a fundraiser with former President Barack Obama over the weekend that landed on the cover of the Post, a conservative tabloid.”

“While “deepfakes” are misleading audio, video or images that are created or edited with artificial intelligence technology, a “cheap fake,” according to researchers Britt Paris and Joan Donovan, is a “manipulation created with cheaper, more accessible software (or, none at all). Cheap fakes can be rendered through Photoshop, lookalikes, re-contextualizing footage, speeding, or slowing.”

“Still, even if they are deceptive, the videos nonetheless play into voters’ existing concerns about Biden’s age.”

“The lie is sprinting the 100-meter dash, and the fact-check is taking a stroll on the beach. And it’s never going to have the same reach,” said Eric Schultz, a Democratic strategist and Obama spokesperson.”

See: The Wall Street Journal’s story about Biden’s mental acuity … – CNN

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Meanwhile the GOP MAGA ex-president lied consistently, boisterously and blatantly during the debate. But POTUS Biden was so off his game that he rarely challenged him, despite numerous opportunities. For example, it’s a lie that the GOP MAGA ex-president would do a much better job than the democrat POTUS Biden regarding the US economy.

As per a June 25,2024 CBS report by Aimee Picchi, “16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that Trump’s economic plans could reignite inflation:


“Sixteen of the world’s most notable economists — all Nobel Prize winners — are warning that former President Donald Trump could stoke inflation if he wins the presidency in November and moves forward with his economic plans.”

“Many Americans are concerned about inflation, which has come down remarkably fast. There is rightly a worry that Donald Trump will reignite this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets,” according to a letter signed by the economists, who include Joseph Stiglitz, a Columbia University professor who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2001; and Yale professor Robert Shiller, who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2013.”

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“The warning comes as the U.S. continues to battle sticky inflation, with the Federal Reserve maintaining the highest interest rates in more than two decades with the goal of cooling the economy and driving inflation down to a 2% annual rate. Even though inflation has cooled from a recent peak of 9.1% in June 2022, inflation-weary Americans are glum about the economy, with 6 in 10 rating it as either bad, fairly bad or very bad, according to the latest CBS News poll.”

“Trump’s policies could prove to be inflationary, other economists also warned, such as his proposal to create a 10% across-the-board tariff on all imports to deporting immigrants. The tariff plan would add $1,700 in annual costs for the typical U.S. household, essentially acting as an inflationary tax, according to experts at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.”

“Deporting immigrants could shrink the labor force, creating more competition for U.S. workers and pushing up wages, also adding to inflationary pressure, economists warn.”

“The letter from Stiglitz and the other 15 Nobel Prize winners did single out praise for some of President Joe Biden’s economic policies, ranging from his Inflation Reduction Act to investment in U.S. manufacturing.”

Note: This blog was last updated on 6/28/2024.


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