About me

I am the lady in between my two traveling buddies.
I am the lady in between my two traveling buddies.

I was a registered Republican (RINO)grandmother ( Italian descent) from New Jersey who lives in Florida.

In 2017, I joined the Democratic Party because I am ashamed to be identified with the Republican Party of today.

My work history has been mostly as a sales agent in  the insurance, consumer products and travel industries. I am a retired Airline sales agent who has past experience in arranging tours while I was living in Brussels for a few years.

As a military brat, I have traveled and resided abroad for several years. I did go to High School and College in New Jersey. In general, my good friends are from either New York or New Jersey. I have 2 adult children whom I admire tremendously with one 14 year old grandson and one gorgeous 4 year old granddaughter. My major hobbies are now blogging, reading, spending time with family and friends, shopping and traveling.

I started blogging as a result of what I viewed as a failure in the judicial and police system in the rendering of justice towards the Trayvon Martin case in 2012. This is when I met other bloggers like Jueseppi B. of Mr. Militant Negro, Xena of Blackbutterfly7, Shannon in Miami, Whonoze writers, and others. I resumed blogging for the 2014 elections and then for the Michael Brown case. In the past few months (January – April 2015), I have started following other interesting bloggers and commenting on their blogs but it has been Jueseppi B. and Dr. Rex of “It is what it is” who have reblogged many of my posts. I am very appreciative of all my followers who have been reblogging, reading and commenting on my work.


  1. Hi Gronda. I was so impressed with your comment on the Jorge Ramos article on THE FIFTH COLUMN and have a request: Can I reproduce the comment as a stand-alone article? I cannot say how impressed I am with your writing and in particular, the comment you left. EVERY comment you’ve made on TFC recently has been outstanding. Thank you. Sheila (Kstreet607)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sheila (Kstreet 607), Yes you can use my comment on your blog which I admire very much, in any way you wish. Just in case, I also did a very recent blog titled, “WHY THIS RINO WANTS DONALD TRUMP STOPPED,” which may be helpful. Thanks for your support, Gronda

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am an Australian and absolutely so thankfull to you for the outstanding work you do. It is difficult to get any real info within the aust media. The comprehensive writing and research you do truly allows this ordinary little ossie to grasp some big issues with a clarity otherwise unobtainable. Thankyou so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Greetings Gronda! I stopped by your blog as a result of your comment to me on our mutual friend Keith’s blog about Senator Franken. I appreciate that you switched away from the Republican party. It may have been an honorable party, what, about 50 years ago? But it’s been in steady decline over the past several decades to the point where it approved the nomination of the most unfit person who has ever been president of these United States. I don’t blog as much as I used to but hoping that will change once my kid graduates in 2018. I’m going to follow you now as I see we have plenty in common. Nice to make your acquaintance! See you in the blogosphere 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Just read your piece about the ICE raids; those raids are a sad commentary on the state of our nation. Thanks for putting it all together. Look forward to reading more of your posts.


    • Dear Jill,

      Thanks a million for reaching out to me.

      I’m still around. Every time I start blogging again, I get hit with life events that stop me in my tracks. It isn’t just one thing like getting hit hard with COVID for a few months. But I plan to start up again this May 2023. There’re just too many juicy stories to cover.

      It thrills me to see that you’re still in the game as we need your voice. How are you doing?

      Hugs, Gronda

      Liked by 1 person

      • I was so relieved to see your response, for I think of you often and wonder how you are. I understand completely about life events stopping you in your tracks, but I’m so thrilled to know you’ll be back to blogging next month!

        Oh yes, I’m still in the game, though perhaps not as effectively as I once was. My health problems continue and I’ve been losing a bit of ground lately … some days it’s everything I can do to walk into the kitchen. But, I’m hanging in and I can still sit in my chair and opine about how nasty the Republicans are, so … good enough, yes?

        Big hugs, my friend!!! Looking forward to your next post!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Dear Jill,

          Getting older has its challenges. Current politics doesn’t help to improve my outlook on life.

          I look at Gov Ron DeSantis with abhorrence. I had been describing him as Castro-lite but he better resembles Mussolini.

          I miss you and others. Hugs, Gronda

          Liked by 1 person

        • That’s for sure … it has its challenges! I might not mind, but for the fact that my mind hasn’t aged so much … until I look in the mirror, or try to walk any distance, I still think I’m in my 30s!

          I hear you, my friend! I could not live in Florida under that jerk! And he wants to be president??? But then … I’m not even sure who’s worse these days … him or Trump. Yes, I can easily see the comparison between DeSantis and Mussolini … fascism is his goal. When people complain about President Biden’s age, I tell them to hush … he’s competent, he has a younger, also competent VP, and either or both of them beat ANY Republican alternative by about a thousand percent!

          We miss you too, dear Gronda! Big hugs!



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