aside ABC’s Is Reporting That Glenn Simpson of GPS Fusion Will Testify About Trump-Russia Dossier

Glenn Simpson, Partner of Fusion GPS, speaks on a panel at the Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival and Symposium on October 7, 2016 in Washington.
Glenn Simpson, Partner of Fusion GPS, speaks on a panel at the Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival and Symposium on October 7, 2016 in Washington.

On August 22, 2017, the key player who financed that infamous Chis Steele’s Trump-Russia dossier, Glenn Simpson testified for over 10 hours before the US Senate Judiciary Committee about his involvement in the development of this highly controversial dossier.

The lawyer Josh Levy for Mr. Simpson volunteered that there is nothing preventing the Senate Judiciary members from publicly sharing the entire transcript of their hearing with Mr. Simpson. This comment leads me to suspect that republicans who may have wanted to cast a nefarious shadow on this dossier, were not successful.

Mr. Simpson was a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, before he founded Fusion GPS, a private research company. This was the firm that hired the MI6 British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, during the 2016 presidential campaign who produced the 35 page controversial dossier.

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In the month of July 2017, he had initially declined to speak with the committee, but he changed his mind after the committee served him with a subpoena. In exchange for his testimony, the panel’s top lawmakers, Sens.Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), agreed to withdraw the subpoena for his testimony.

It has been reported by several news outlets that the former M16 agent Christopher Steele had already shared the names of all the sources associated with the dossier that he compiled.

What was perked my interest, is when Senator Grassley recently held a town hall meeting where a well-informed constituent kept pushing for the senator to agree to release a transcript of the entire interview with Glenn Simpson but the senator kept dodging from fully committing to do this. He did indicate that the committee members would hold a vote on whether to release it to the public, or not. The constituent made it perfectly clear that he expected the senator to do the right thing.

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On August 22, 2017, Brian Ross, Matthew Musk and Rhonda Schwartz of ABC News penned the following report,  “Glenn Simpson, key figure behind million-dollar ‘dossier,’ to face questions.


“A key figure behind the so-called dossier featuring uncorroborated and salacious allegations about then-candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia will be questioned by investigators from the Senate Judiciary Committee today (8/22/17) about the funding and sources for the document.”

Image result for photos of chuck grassley and dianne feinstein

“During last year’s heated Republican primary race, Fusion GPS, a private research firm founded by former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, was initially paid about a million dollars by wealthy Republicans and then later worked for Democrats, all of whom wanted to dig up dirt on Trump and plant negative news stories, according to political operatives.”

“Simpson, who will appear in a closed session on Capitol Hill on Tuesday (8/22/17), hired the former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to compile the now infamous dossier, which alleged that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian agents to damage Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic opponent.”

“Republicans in Congress are stepping up their efforts to uncover the funders of and sources for that controversial document as special counsel Robert Mueller’s high-profile probe of those alleged ties heats up.”

Image result for photos of chuck grassley and dianne feinstein

“Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has made it clear that Simpson’s work has landed him in the crosshairs.”

“As a reporter, Simpson specialized in coverage of money laundering and Russian organized crime. In an appearance on a panel at a film festival in 2016, he explained that he started Fusion GPS after leaving journalism because he thought his investigative skills would be valuable to a range of wealthy clients.”

“The 35-page dossier, which included a series of salacious allegations, was completed shortly before the presidential election. Eventually the intelligence Steele gathered was shared with journalists, the Clinton campaign and the FBI.”

Image result for PHOTOS OF Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian tech mogul

“When BuzzFeed obtained and published the document in January, little more than a week before of Trump’s inauguration, he was outraged.”

“It’s all fake news. It’s phony stuff. It didn’t happen,” Trump said at a press conference.”It was a group of opponents that got together — sick people — and they put that crap together.”

“Simpson isn’t the only person who could face questions about dossier’s production. Lawmakers also want to talk to Steele, and a recent U.S. court ruling in a related case could compel him to comply.”

Image result for PHOTOS OF Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian tech mogul
Aleksej Gubarev

“Lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian tech mogul who was named in the dossier, were recently granted approval by Judge Ursula Ungaro of U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Florida to seek British approval to question Steele under oath as part of Gubarev’s libel suit against BuzzFeed.”

“According to people briefed on the developments, Steele has met with the FBI and provided agents with the names of his sources for the allegations in the dossier.”

“It is unclear how much information lawmakers will be able to obtain from Simpson this week. Attorneys for Fusion GPS have indicated to the committee that its client relationships are confidential.”

As per the 8/22/17 Daily News report by Christopher Brennan, “Simpson was interviewed for hours and gave the committee more than 40,000 documents, Fox News reported.”

This blog was updated on August 23, 2017.


  1. Lets hope there’s enough in all; those documents to put Trump away without going any further. He has a cheek to have cried foul in January after what he did to Hilary Clinton in the run-up to the election.
    Huge Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear David Prosser,

      He has been digging his own grave. Many who were attempting to cover for him are now getting in the mood to help him dig his grave more quickly.

      It can’t happen soon enough as it becomes more apparent as to how unhinged this man has become. In a recent interview with the former top US spy, James Clapper, he stated as much. He verbalized his concerns about DDT having access to the nuclear button.

      Hugs, Gronda


    • Dear Suzanne,

      It is apparent that most of the republican US senators are turning on him. I have been keeping track of this scheduled hearing with Mr. Simpson. Those republicans who were hoping to get information to counter the value of the Trump-Russia dossier compiled the the former MI6 agent, Christopher Steele, left the meeting, empty handed. If they had uncovered any juicy tidbits in their favor, there would have been some timely leaks. There has been nothing.

      Hugs, Gronda


    • Dear Nan Mykel,

      This particular story is in the weeds but it is significant. The US Senate Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley has been casting aspersions against the Christopher Steele dossier. The hearing with the presence of Mr. Simpson was supposed to add some meat to those aspersions. Hear the silence? This is because Senator Grassley did not hear what he wanted to hear. The hearing backfired.

      Hugs, Gronda

      Liked by 1 person

      • Gronda, at the heart of all of this are financial relationships that the President denies to exist and has not released information to prove they don’t. Keith

        Liked by 1 person

        • dear Keith,

          I am convinced that things are coming to a head now. With his Jekyll and Hyde performances between The Afghanistan policy speech and the Phoenix rally, even some republicans are questioning in earnest his fitness and whether he is on meds.

          I am convinced that the FBI already have his tax returns. The FBI can obtain them without the president’s knowledge and there is no way to conduct a reasonable financial investigation without having taken this step.

          This is why I have been doubtful about the genuine seriousness of a Trump-Russia investigation by the US Congressional republicans in its Intelligence committees duties because the members have never even tried to obtain these records.

          Hugs, Gronda


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